Lifetrailer Studio
Client: Ritz Incorporações
Architecture office: Arqmede
Creative Director: Wyll Farias
Film Director: João Victor Holanda
Director of Photography: Raviere Ferreira
Camera: Rodrigo Barros, Yan Eckychandrey
Producer: Manoel Bernardo
Production assistant: Gabriel Cabral, Weslley Barros, Ubiray Souza.
Editing: Rodrigo Barros, Raviere Ferreira
Motion Graphics: David Cabral
Motion Graphics: David Cabral
Color Grading: Rodrigo Barros
Make up and Stylist: Augusto Christopher
Location Scout: Daniel Brasil
Droner: Trevas
Thank you for watching!
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+55 82 3320-3634
+55 82 9 9692-0654 (WhatsApp)